February brought me a new job! Actually, two new jobs! I'm now working at my dear friend Sally's flower shop as the bookkeeper. This is something new for me....I've never done this type of work before. But, Sally is one of my oldest and dearest friends.....we go back to junior high school! She called and asked me if I wanted to work over the Valentine's holiday and I jumped at the chance to get out of the house. Well, after that, she offered me a full time job doing the A/P. I love my job!!! So, I get to be around these all day!!!

My second job came through my son, Shaw. He has decided that he is going to go to law school (just like his mom!) and in order to do that he had to take the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT). He ended up going to the same prep course that I had (unbeknown to me) and met up with my old professor. They started talking and realized that they both knew me. Long story short, Mimi offered me a job working with her husband preparing a bar review course. So, I'm working at that job too and also reviewing to take the bar exam again.
March brought the most devastating blow to me. My little sister and best friend died suddenly of a heart attack. She was here one minute and gone the next. She left behind her loving husband and best friend of 24 years, Trey, and two children, Cory and Jennifer. She was such a good person and I will miss her every day of my life! We were very close and often joked that in our old age she would keep me fed and I would keep us warm. She was an amazing person!

April and May were filled with working two jobs and trying to study for the bar exam. I did start a quilt.....and it has largely gone unfinished until yesterday. I am using one of Bonnie Hunter's patterns, Bricks and Stepping Stones, and using pinks for the bricks with white and mint green for the stepping stones. This is a hugs quilt for me because my sister's favorite color was pink.
June brought another round of surgery for my son Spencer. The surgery was largely unsuccessful. The doctor was trying to reattach his small intestine so that he could function more normally. But there just wasn't enough left after his second surgery in December to do so. He has a great attitude about it and seems to be accepting it all in stride. Pretty amazing for a 20 year old young man.
And my wonderful grandson? Well, he is growing by leaps and bounds! He is now 6 months old and is just a joy!!! Don't you just want to kiss those wonderful pudgy cheeks???

My goal for the next month is to start on Spencer's Mariner's Compass quilt. He wants it in black flannel with the compass in black and white. And I have a couple of small patriotic quilts that I would like to do.
Have a wonderful 4th of July!