Well, this is one of the people that have been occupying my spare time!

Isn't he just the cutest!! I pick him up from daycare 2-3 days a week because his mommy works till 8:00 pm. So, he gets plenty of Nana Time!!
And, Ive been working on this quilt for my youngest son. Its not complete yet, this is just the center of the quilt.
And, as if that's not enough, I've been bitten by the Hex Bug! Thank you Bonnie! I found a Creative Memories Hex punch from a consultant and went and picked it up this morning.
And I've also been drooling over a couple of patterns and can't decide which one I want to make!

Tomorrow is the 7 month anniversary of the passing of my Sissy. And I still miss her so much. I don't know if I will ever recover from the loss of her friendship and love. I still want to pick up the phone every day and call her. But that can't happen because there are no phones in Heaven.

Well, until next time....and I promise it won't be that long! I'm going to try to start posting once a week (at least).
Love and Hugs,